Category: Project

  • “Map Whiteboard Cloud Solution for Collaborative Editing of Geographic Information” has been published

    Despite active work in the practical implementation of projects, the BOSC team also participates in the development of science. Together with partners from Wirlessinfo, Asplan Viak, Lesprojekt-sluzby, the Forest Management Institute and the Czech Center of Science and Society, an article “Map Whiteboard Cloud Solution for Collaborative Editing of Geographic Information” has been published. This…

  • PoliRural model builder

    During PoliRural project BOSC created model building application which can be used to create charts of problem trees, assign the tree nodes to objects in map and use semantic explorer (semex) to search for text sources for each tree node. This builder helps to illustrate the causes and interconnections of different problems in a user-friendly…

  • SmartAgriHubs groundwater experiment

    Agriculture requires the collection, storage, sharing and analysis of large quantities of spatially referenced data. Management of huge amounts of data is a challenge. The aim of the Ground Water and Meteo sensors experimentation is to develop a Web based system for integration, transformation and utilization of large quantities of data and models for agrometeorological…

  • SmartHoney project progress

    Researches performed in framework of SmartHoney is focused on creation of WSN based system for comprehensive real time bee family monitoring inside and outside of hive. See

  • FATIMA kick off

    BOSC successfully participated in neogation of new project called FATIMA: FArming Tools for external nutrient Inputs and water Management. This effort was finished successfully by kick off meeting in Lisboa, Portugal. Overall goal and vision: To establish innovative and new farm tools and service capacities that help the intensive farm sector optimize its external input…