ISAF2014 co-organization
BOSC proudly co-organizating ISAF2014 conference. Conference topics: Open Data for Agriculture, Forestry and Rural development Precision farming and precision forestry issues Sensors technologies ICT for Agriculture Sustainability Land use, Land cover and rural planning Farming on Cloud Space technologies for Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Environmental risk management Innovation and transfer of technologies International cooperation…
SDI4Apps kickoff meeting
Our expert team consisting of Kaspars Skalbergs, Premysl Vohnout, Maris Alberts and Raitis Berzins will provide their knowledge and experiences in the SDI4Apps project. We will mainly provide expertise on field of sensor technology and web application development This project is great opportunity to extend our knowledge of web technology mainly in cloud enviroment. Kickoff…
Compotte – offline client for European Regional Risk Portal
BOSC developed offline client for PPRD East project which is used as desktop solution for web portal. QGis plugin Compotte is used for downloading layers from GeoServer using WFS in shapefile format. Downloaded layers is added to QGIS project directly with style from GeoServer How it works ? Compotte is working that way that it…
CentraLab – International Conference report
International seminar of the CentraLab project took place in Pilsen, Czech Republic on 31st May 2012. The seminar was called “Geomatics in Living Labs” and it was focused on participating of project members from the Czech Republic in geo-thematic projects. Read more in attachted pdf
Sveicināti Baltic Open Solutions Center vietnē!
Baltic Open Solutions Center (BOSC) ir dibināts 2007. gadā ar pamat specializāciju pētniecisku programmatūras risinājumu izstrādē un ģeogrāfiskajās informācijas sistēmās. Sākot ar 2011.gadu uzņēmums uzsāk apmācības programmas ģeogrāfiskajās informācijas sistēmās ar uzsvaru uz atvērto tehnoloģiju izmantošanu.